Sporto's Christian Comedy Adventure

So I was just watching SpongeBob SquarePants with my kids, and Squidward is teaching Spongebob about music.  He shows Spongebob a metronome, you know the thing that keeps time that sits on a piano?  And I'm thinking that might be a funny bit- something about the new modern gnome being called a "metro gnome",  but alas, not 2 seconds later there is a joke of the same vein on the show.  If you're ever thinking of writing comedy, get a notebook and write ANYTHING down that you find remotely funny. Go over and over it from different angles and you can usually find something workable from it.  I have been very close to funny several times, it's quite exciting

1/20/2010 10:03:49 pm

I am a great fan of Sponge Bob too. It makes me laugh a lot... I love the episode in which they are forced to go to "White Sea Shells City" to find the mer king's crown and rescue Mr. Crabs from king's wrath...


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