Sporto's Christian Comedy Adventure

Yes, it's getting near Christmas time.  What does that mean?  It's means schools across the country are getting geared up for their Christmas programs.  I know for sure the one song that all the kids are excited about singing is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.  Not  necessarily because it's a catchy tune, but because of the funny stuff they get to interject  in between ( "like Monopoly").  The sad part of learning humor, is though it may be new and exciting to you, it might not be new to the majority of people.  I can see a lot of kids thinking, "wait till Mom and Dad get a load of these funny things we say in the song, "like a lightbulb!", they're going to go through the roof!"  Unfortunately the laughter they hear is not in response to the "unexpected lines", it's in response to the remembrance of how we were just as excited in our youth to preform that same song.  They'll probably have the same experience in twenty or thirty years. This post will go down in history, just like Columbus did! Wooo haha!! Good one!!!

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