Sporto's Christian Comedy Adventure

Well today is the first day of voting for the Russell Peters Best Funny Five contest. I have entered a short video that does not seem to be fairing so well. Compared to many of the other submissions, I believe it to be fairly humorous, but that does not seem to be the criteria for this contest. It appears those who rally the most troops to their video get the recognition over pure comedic content. And by troops I mean people in the army, those guys votes seem to be worth a lot more somehow. I'm not saying that mine is the funniest, but it doesn't seem like anyone's going through the videos and actually voting on their favourite (At this time my video has 18 views while others have over 1400 hmmm..). Ah well, it was a good experience for me, and at least 18 people had a chance to check out my style.

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