Sporto's Christian Comedy Adventure

I have often heard a complaint from the pulpit that it's a shame that people get all excited at a Super Bowl game, but aren't as excited that Jesus rose from the dead.  I disagree with this comparison on a couple of points.  First of all, the Super Bowl is something live happening before your eyes, and the resurrection happened 2000 years ago.  I don't think the Miami Dolphin fans are still whooping it up in the streets over the 1974 Super Bowl win.  If I was a witness to the resurrection, I know I would be running as fast as I could with excitement along with John and Peter.  I believe Jesus doesn't want a hyped up crowd, He want's committed hearts.  I actually think that sports hype is often more genuine than church hype.  If your team scores a goal or a touchdown, your outward reaction is genuine, from the heart.  I often wonder how much of the outward reaction is genuine at church.  Wow, I think this is my longest post yet, you'd better take a nap after reading this one.

Well the votes are in for the Russell Peters Best Funny Five contest.  I guess Russell  won't have a christian comedian opening for him.  Here's my final tally:

Votes for Sporto's Comedy Video: 1
Views of My Video: 25

It's now down to the final ten top vote getters, from which Russell will pick one.  Some in the  top ten got as few as 75 votes to get in.  I think I might have been able to rustle up that many votes, but I wanted to try win the contest on the merits of humor, and not get friends and family involved.  The one vote?  I think it was from a bald guy who's name rhymes with Borto.  All the best to the final ten. 
Sometimes on the weekends, I like to get small projects done.  After having trouble moving several large rocks, one of my buddies suggested I rent a small bobcat to move them.  "It'll take no time" , he said.  I had a really hard time tracking one down, but finally I was ready to use the bobcat.  As soon as I opened the cage, it ran off into the woods.  I don't think I'll get my deposit back.

Yes, I think he did.  Having that riddle about the Lion and the Honey, and then the irony of using the Philistines own clothes to pay his debt definitely has some humor to it. But I believe Samson missed a huge comedy opportunity when Delilah was trying to find out the secret of his strength .  I think he should have said things like, "If you fill this room with baboons, I will be a weak as any man." or,  "If you have twelve Philistine soldiers in this room, with grapes in their noses saying "Samson Sells SeaShells by the Seashore" over and over, I will be as weak as any man." Yeah, weak with laughter maybe. The bowstrings and hairloom were ok, but I think there was potential to be known as a legendary comedian.  Hmmm, I wonder if Samson's hairloom ever became someone's heirloom?
So I was just watching SpongeBob SquarePants with my kids, and Squidward is teaching Spongebob about music.  He shows Spongebob a metronome, you know the thing that keeps time that sits on a piano?  And I'm thinking that might be a funny bit- something about the new modern gnome being called a "metro gnome",  but alas, not 2 seconds later there is a joke of the same vein on the show.  If you're ever thinking of writing comedy, get a notebook and write ANYTHING down that you find remotely funny. Go over and over it from different angles and you can usually find something workable from it.  I have been very close to funny several times, it's quite exciting

Certain people can really get under my skin.  It is my natural instinct to give these people a sarcastic jab whenever I can.  I'm sure Jesus knew people that were hard to get along with.  Maybe it was one of his disciples.  The disciple John always refers to himself as "the one that Jesus loved".  John could have been really annoying.  Maybe he was the tag along, when ever Jesus wanted to just get away and get his thoughts, there was John.  Maybe he took credit for some of Jesus's words.  I can see Jesus overhearing John saying to a crowd, "show me a coin, now give to Caesar that which is Caesar's and to God that which is God's".  But Jesus loved John.  I tend to avoid people that bother me.  I need to learn to love these people, and not put them down.  Only through God's grace can this be achieved.
So I starting to make a website with some of my video clips and some other funny stuff.  I used to be into the web thing a fair bit in the early 2000's.  Things have changed a bit since then, but I'm starting to pick it up. I'll be sure to let you folks know when it's complete.
Here's the Russell Peters BFF contest update:  My video has been viewed 25 times. I noted another guys video has been viewed 2488 times. But it's the VOTES that count.  If everyone that viewed my video voted for me and only 24 of the 2488  of his viewers voted for him, I'll have it locked up.  I've already planned what I'm going to say to Russell, "Somebody gonna get hurt real bad eh?" because comedians love to hear their catch lines repeated to them.  It's like an instant kinship.

I find when you're in your thirties, sometimes you feel old, and sometimes you feel young. Today I felt old. 
 My youngest son came home, and I asked him how his day at school was.  He said he sang a song about a guy trapped in a computer.  I thought that was a bit of a funny subject for kids to sing about in first grade, so I asked him, "What was the song called?" He told me "the Farmer in the Dell."  

In my adventure as a Christian comedian, I find I wear many different hats. As a husband, a father, a provider, a train engineer (I don't work on a train, I just like to wear the hat). On those days I don't quite feel so funny, my kids are the best.  They think I'm hilarious!  All I have to do is say, "kids, come here! Listen to this, A Zibba Zib  Zab!" Gales of laughter.  They'll copy me all afternoon.  "Did you hear what Dad said? Zibba Zib Zab, Zibba Zib Zab!!"  Sadly when they reach the age of ten, their concept of comedy will change.  I will become the subject of their jokes. I only have a couple years of "Dad comedy" left.

I've had lot's of different jobs from a janitor to being a clown. I find almost every job has some good and bad mixed together, a lot of it depends on your attitude. I often think employees  have a hard time identifying with how hard it is for the manager or owner, and the owner has a hard time  thinking from the employees perspective. Sometimes I think it would be great to be the boss.  I thought about starting my own business a while back.  I looked into manufacturing granite tops for kitchen cabinets. But after looking into it a little further, I found out it was counter productive.